The Power of Partnerships
Based on all the input we've received throughout our extensive community engagement process, MGE believes that it will take working together in many different partnerships with many different partners to meet our shared energy goals and achieve net-zero carbon electricity by 2050. With more than 150,000 electric customers along with nonprofit and community organizations, neighborhood associations, small and large businesses, local units of government, educators and advocacy groups, we have many opportunities to work together to meet our goals.
MGE is partnering with residential customers for turn-key installation of 240-volt electric vehicle (EV) chargers. MGE installs, owns and operates the chargers. Visit to learn more.
Shared Solar
Customers who subscribe to Shared Solar receive locally generated solar energy. Our first project, in partnership with the City of Middleton, was a 500-kilowatt solar array at Middleton's Municipal Operations Center. MGE is expanded the program with a second large-scale solar array at the Middleton Municipal Airport. Learn more about the program.
Living in Balance
"Balance" is an initiative that promotes sustainability in communities of color. In partnership with community-based organizations such as Centro Hispano, Catholic Multicultural Center, Sustain Dane, Center for Resilient Cities, The Capital City Hues, we are providing resources and tools to families to support their sustainability efforts around energy and the environment in their households. Visit to learn more.
Smart Thermostat Program
Through our smart thermostat demand response program, MGE Connect, MGE is partnering with residential electric customers to test the use of smart technologies to manage air conditioners and reduce peak demand. Learn more about how MGE Connect works.
We will pursue a broad, diverse and inclusive approach to community engagement that advances numerous partnerships throughout the community.
As we work together to advance our Energy 2030 framework and achieve our goal of net-zero carbon electricity by 2050, we will use partnerships to:
- Collaborate on shared interests and goals.
- Design and deliver innovative programs and services.
- Educate, communicate and share information.
- Address and solve technical energy issues.
- Improve our community and build community assets.
We will work to 'meet customers where they are.'
Across all of our partnerships, we will work to "meet customers where they are" as we listen, engage, seek guidance and solicit input. We will use what we learn to help inform our ongoing planning and implementation as we move forward to build a community energy company for the future.
Below is a glimpse of some additional partnerships in which we are currently engaged. Stay tuned for other features.
City of Madison Electric Buses
MGE is partnering with the City of Madison on its efforts to electrify 50% of its bus fleet by 2035. This partnership resulted in Madison Metro Transit receiving a federal grant for three zero-emission buses. MGE is providing 100% of the required local matching funds for charging infrastructure and continued in-kind support and expertise.
Technical Work Group
We are partnering with the Citizens Utility Board and Clean Wisconsin, both experts on the energy industry, to explore innovative new rate design and pilot program ideas. To learn more, visit
Yahara WINs (Watershed Improvement Network)
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane County, MGE, municipalities and others partner to reduce algae-forming phosphorus in the Yahara watershed. The four-year pilot program includes research, planning and testing to identify effective strategies and to develop an adaptive management plan.
Joining Forces for Families (JFF)
JFF, a community-based program, and MGE partner to facilitate access for Dane County families to resources that help them manage their energy use.
Dane County Parent Council
MGE partners with this local nonprofit to provide energy efficiency and conservation workshops to families who are served through the council's programming.
Technology Demonstrations
More than 30 sites throughout our community serve as hosts for MGE's technology demonstration projects. MGE partners with these host sites, such as the Lussier Community Education Center and the Central Library, to demonstrate renewable technologies and energy-efficient technologies. We test the projects' performance to study the technology's potential role in meeting our community's future energy needs.
Solar Garden at Badger Rock Middle School
MGE partners with Badger Rock Middle School, a charter school emphasizing sustainability and urban agriculture, and the Center for Resilient Cities, to host two different solar technologies on the school's rooftop, enabling students to study and to compare the technologies' energy production using real time and historical data.
Energy Breaks
MGE partners with business customers to bring free energy efficiency programming to their employees while at work.
WI K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP)
MGE partners with local teachers to improve and increase energy efficiency literacy in schools as a way to leverage and expand energy-saving behaviors at home and at school. The KEEP program is designed to help teachers educate students in basic energy concepts, renewable energy, technical education, and energy conservation. Learn more about the program by visiting the KEEP website.